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What exactly is a mood?

The term "mood" is used probably daily by almost everyone these days. "He's In a bad mood" I'm not in the mood for that" "She's in a happy mood" - what exactly is this thing called "mood" that humans keep getting themselves "into" ? To the first time visitor to earth or alien that has never met a human it would seem, given the way that many of us talk about it, that a "mood" is some kind of "demon" that hijacks our minds and decides what our personality and behaviour will be for a certain, seemingly random period of time. It seems that most of the time the word mood is used, it has supposedly negative connotations ie a bad mood or an angry mood. How often do people obsess about being in a good mood : )

The way the dictionaries seem to define mood is

a particular state of mind or feeling


a conscious state of mind or predominant emotion

Many people accept that moods are a natural fact in life and they flow through them gracefully, from peace to fear to anger to worry , however many people really struggle with them and desperately seek to find a way to escape them and find a particular state of mind over the other. Normally these tend to be feelings such as joy , love , peace, adventure, excitement but please do let me know if it is something like anger or fear, I'd be glad to hear from you : ))

What if it was possible for everyone to experiences all the moods without judgement ? The answer is twofold. Firstly it is possible and secondly, with acceptance and non judgement, in our hearts life becomes much more fluid and free. Yes you can feel anger and free and yes you can be in a bad mood and feel free.

(Interestingly, reversing the letters of Mood gets you to the word that the above can often lead us to - doom

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